Dripping a Sickly Sunset
Dripping a Sickly Sunset

Collaborative fashion line with Andrea Barnes in MICA Annual Benefit Fashion Show, “Authencity”


Our line Dripping a Sickly Sunset expresses themes of desire to understand and unlock our ancestry using methods of storytelling, observation, personal memories, and artifacts.We both come from places where our identities are skewed because of the lack clarity presented in our families’ history. Although we come from different backgrounds we have arrived at similar conclusions.

Texture, experimentation, and repurposed imagery represents what our line is about. These origins are rather contrasting, one of us growing up visiting family every summer at a privileged Island off the coast of New England while the other has a mother who escaped a tropical island tainted by the government but has never visited the country herself.

Both locations carry assumptions and different bias’, we would like to take these ideas and deconstruct them. This mixture of contrasting cultures are geographically, socially, and personally perceived differently but give us the opportunity to create something unique for the 25th Annual Benefit Fashion Show. After all, who doesn’t want to watch the sun set?

Family Vacation Series ( some of the Bathing suits used in the Collection)
Family Vacation Series ( some of the Bathing suits used in the Collection)

These series of garments that were created using imagery from my own family vacations as well as my mothers and her family's. Through the distortion of my photos, my mothers photos, my own paintings, I try to make sense of the culture I am from. Which is a blend of many different things and rather unclear. 

Two Piece Bathing Suit, digitally printed Nylon Lycra, Fit to Model's Size, 2017 




One Piece Bathing Suit
One Piece Bathing Suit

Digitally Printed Nylon Lycra, Fit to my Size, 2017 

Wrap Skirt
Wrap Skirt

Digitally printed on Silk Chiffon, Fit to my size, 2017 

Dripping a Sickly Sunset
Family Vacation Series ( some of the Bathing suits used in the Collection)
One Piece Bathing Suit
Wrap Skirt
Dripping a Sickly Sunset

Collaborative fashion line with Andrea Barnes in MICA Annual Benefit Fashion Show, “Authencity”


Our line Dripping a Sickly Sunset expresses themes of desire to understand and unlock our ancestry using methods of storytelling, observation, personal memories, and artifacts.We both come from places where our identities are skewed because of the lack clarity presented in our families’ history. Although we come from different backgrounds we have arrived at similar conclusions.

Texture, experimentation, and repurposed imagery represents what our line is about. These origins are rather contrasting, one of us growing up visiting family every summer at a privileged Island off the coast of New England while the other has a mother who escaped a tropical island tainted by the government but has never visited the country herself.

Both locations carry assumptions and different bias’, we would like to take these ideas and deconstruct them. This mixture of contrasting cultures are geographically, socially, and personally perceived differently but give us the opportunity to create something unique for the 25th Annual Benefit Fashion Show. After all, who doesn’t want to watch the sun set?

Family Vacation Series ( some of the Bathing suits used in the Collection)

These series of garments that were created using imagery from my own family vacations as well as my mothers and her family's. Through the distortion of my photos, my mothers photos, my own paintings, I try to make sense of the culture I am from. Which is a blend of many different things and rather unclear. 

Two Piece Bathing Suit, digitally printed Nylon Lycra, Fit to Model's Size, 2017 



One Piece Bathing Suit

Digitally Printed Nylon Lycra, Fit to my Size, 2017 

Wrap Skirt

Digitally printed on Silk Chiffon, Fit to my size, 2017 

show thumbnails